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Its SPIT Festival time of year! Each year it seems harder to choose which wines to present to you, because we are excited about them all. We decided on a range of wines newly added to our Collection in the past year such as delicious Burgundy Domains, Navarra Newcomers and mouthwatering wines from Jerez to our unforgettable all time classics. Wineries that we hold many years in high esteem performing better and better year on year such as Commando G from Gredos, Antonio Ponce from Manchuela, Antonio Madeira from Portugal and Burgenlands Iconic Claus Preisingers wines, plus many more.

However most excited are we this year to welcome Florian Zimmer from Domaine des Deux Clés in Corbieres, Maria Alvear from Terroir a Limit in Priorat and Tiago Teles from Portugal to show off their range of exciting Wines in person.

Domaine des Deux Clés a very young estate impressed us the past 3 years with its wines of definition of fruit character, purity and completeness. 2022 has yet been the best Vintage so far, pure delicacy.

Terroir al Limit Dominik Huber made waves when starting up a new era of outstanding Priorat wines in the past decade. His wines are nowadays purely crafted in cement tanks are pristine and elegant. A very exciting project making wines for food, approachable when young but also made to age.  

Tiago Teles – A Wine journalist turned winemaker putting his heart into indigenous varieties throughout three regions in Portugal, Vinho Verde, Bairrada his home and North Lisboa. Nature is at its best game here and with little technology Tiago achieves some juicy and immediate honest wines.

Our wineries for Spit festival:

DOMAINE DES DEUX CLES, Corbieres, France (Florian Richter); TERROIR AL LIMIT, Priorat, Spain (Maria Alvear); COZs Da Cruz e Teles, Lisboa and Bairrada, Portugal (Tiago Teles); CLAUS PREISINGER, Burgenland, Austria; ANTONIO MADEIRA, Dao, Portugal; MARCIO LOPES, Douro, Portugal; VINCENT RAPET, Cote de Beaune, Burgundy, France; ANDRE AND FLORIENT MOINGEON, Cote de Beaune, Burgundy, France; ASEGINOLAZA & LEUNDA, Navarra, Spain; BODEGA CINCOLEGUAS, Madrid, Spain; COMANDO G, Madrid, Spain; ALBAMAR, Rias Baixas, Spain; NANCLARES I PRIETO, Rias Baixas, Spain; BODEGA Y VINEDOS PONCE, Manchuela, Spain; QUINTA MILU, Ribera del Duero, Spain; PRIMITIVO COLLANTES, Jerez, Spain.

Our contact details:
+353 87 056 2390 - +353 86 156 7355

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